Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd)

Formerly Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE)

BTTE is a ladderized degree that combines a college degree and TESDA programs. The program is designed to develop the students’ knowledge and skills in teaching or training Technical-Vocational programs.

Nova Schola Tanauan offers three fields of specializations.

  • Food and Service Management 
    • Educates students on the proper way of handling and preparing food. 
    • Students undergoing this major will learn basic and advance baking, international cuisines and even bartending.
    • Career path includes: K-12 Teacher, Food Processing Supervisor
  • Animation
    • Teaches students the principles of animation. 
    • The program further enhances the student’s skill by training its students in the use of animation software.
    • Career path includes: K-12 Teacher, Studio Animator, 
  • Computer Hardware Servicing
    • trains students in repairing computer hardware components and troubleshooting common hardware problems.
    • Career path includes: K-12 Teacher, Computer Technician, Technical Support Specialist

BTTE’s curriculum includes education subjects thus, graduates of this program are qualified to take the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET Exam). 

Furthermore, students who complete each year level are qualified and encouraged to take the TESDA Competency Assessment and be awarded the National Certificate (NC).

The program aims to produce graduates full of passion, imbued with technical skills and knowledge in the field of teaching as well as the industry-specific expertise.

BTVTED Program Curriculum

First Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Purposive Communication3
Occupational Safety and Health Practices1
Physical Education2
Reading in Philippine History3
Teaching Profession3
The Child/Adolescent Learners & Learning Principles3
Food Selection and Preparations6
Second Semester SubjectUnits
Social Science and Philosophy3
The Contemporary World3
Math in the Modern world3
Physical Education 22
The Teacher & Community, School Culture and Organization3
Meal Management6

Second Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
The Life and Works of Rizal3
Understanding Self3
Science and Technology3
Physical Education 32
Basic Baking6
Food Processing, Packaging, and Labeling6
Second Semester SubjectsUnits
Art Appreciation3
Arts and Humanities2
Physical Education 43
Advanced Baking6
International Cuisine6

Third Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Foundation of Special & Inclusive Education3
Assessment in Learning 13
Technology for Teaching and Learning 13
The Andragogy of Learning Including Principles of Trainor' Methodology3
Quantity Cookery6
Cafeteria and Catering Management 6
Second Semester SubjectUnits
Assessment in Learning 23
Field Study 13
Field Study 23
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching3
Building and Enhancing Literacy Across the Curriculum3
Technology for Teaching and Learning 26
Bartending and Bar Management6

Fourth Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Teaching Internship6
Seminars and Tours3
Second Semester SubjectUnits
Industry Immersion15