BS Entrepreneurship

BS Entrepreneurship is a flexible program. You can either start your own business and become an Entrepreneur, or be an Intrapreneur who taps into the resources and capabilities of an established company and develop innovative ideas or projects within.

Managing a business is no easy task. Studying entrepreneurship gives you the skills in establishing and expanding a business.

Taking BS Entrepreneurship at Nova Schola, we’ll help you develop those skills and tap into your unrealized talents that can be of use in your business ventures.

BS Entrepreneurship Curriculum

First Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Entrepreneurial Behavior3
GE 1 - Understanding the Self3
GE 2 - Readings in Philippine History3
PE 12
Second Semester SubjectUnits
GE 4 - Mathematics in the Modern World3
GE 5 - Purposive Communication3
GE 6 - Art Appreciation3
PE 2 2

Second Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Opportunity Seeking3
GE 7 - Science, Technology, and Society3
GE 8 - Ethics3
GE 9 - Rizal's Life and Works (as mandated by law)3
Entrepreneurial Leadership in an Organization3
PE 32
Second Semester SubjectUnits
Market Research and Consumer Behavior3
Innovation Management3
Pricing and Costing3
Human Resource Management3
GE Elective 1 - Mathematics, Science & Technology3
GE Elective 2 - Social Science and Philosophy3
PE 42

Third Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Financial Management3
Production and Operation Management3
GE Elective 3 - Arts and Humanities3
Track 13
Elective 13
Elective 23
Second Semester SubjectUnits
Business Plan Preparation3
Track 23
Elective 33
Elective 43
International Business and Trade3
Business Law and Tax3
Strategic Management3

Fourth Year

First Semester SubjectUnits
Business Plan Implementation 15
Social Entrepreneurship3
Track 33
Second Semester SubjectUnits
Business Plan Implementation 25
Track 43